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Pet Massage

Sound Light Body for Pets


Just like my Sound Light Body offering for huemans (minus the talk therapy, of quartz), I lovingly & joyfully offer my service to our furry friends!


I’ve always had a kind of sixth sense with animals - on countless occasions, people have reflected to me things like, “Huh, that’s interesting. My cat usually hides in the room whenever people come over, but she’s all over you.” or “Wow, my dog usually takes a really long time to stop growling at someone new, but he’s surprisingly calm with you around.”


If you wish to gift your dog or cat companion relief, peace, and vitality; I invite you to book a session for them.


Over time, I’ve found that our pets love massage just as much we do!


You’re free to watch or participate during the session. I’m happy to inform you where your pet is holding tension and share techniques for you to dissolve that tension for them. They will love you even more!


I have found that it's best for me to do the session at your home, where your pet is more likely to be comfortable, though I am open to facilitating the session at a public place or my home, if you think that would be better for your pet.


A Sound Light Body for Pets Session generally lasts 1 hour.

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