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Timeline Integration Multiple Earths

Timeline Integration


This is my single Remote Offering and can be done from anywhere around the world via phone or video call!


Do you desire to heal & integrate a traumatic experience you’ve had?

Would you like to shift the energy of a past event in your life?

Are you holding onto something (e.g. a physical injury, a limiting belief, a less than comfortable emotion, etc.) that is no longer serving you and you’d like to let it go?


I invite you to play with one of the magical aspects of being Hueman.

That is, to consciously shift timelines for yourself!


In Timeline Integration, I guide you through a verbal process and provide remote energy healing to

  • Alleviate and even completely clear pain from a past event in your life

  • Come to a place of acceptance, forgiveness, & compassion with past versions of yourself and others

  • Imagine and merge with a different timeline for yourself


"Here's the ship, it leaves a wake, the wake fades out and that tells us where the ship has been. In just the same way that our past tells us what we have done... And so, just as the wake doesn’t move the ship, the past does not move the present. Unless you insist that it does."

- Alan Watts


A Timeline Integration session generally lasts 60 to 90 minutes.

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